For the moment the Bag-A-Rub is only available for businesses. We hope to be able to supply to individual customers shortly too. The product is currently launched in Asia.We appreciate however your support and please do contact us when you want to stay informed about further developments. Please use our contact form to leave us your email address.
The product is made from polymers (Grub) based on silicones and when following the intended use will cause no harm with the skin. The Bag-A-Rub is dermatologically tested and when used with the right lotions, specifically intended for use and care of the skin, there will be no reaction on the skin.
The product without lotion will not leave stains on clothing or other materials.
It is allowed to use regular cleaning products.
Our Bag-A-Rub is made of GRub silicone, unlike plastic, never leeches toxic materials into foods and drinks or skin. Because it’s completely inert and safe at high temperatures,
Bag-A-Rub is BPA/BPS (softeners) PVC/Phtlate and lead free
(If our silicone product ends up in nature, it will break down into small particles that are harmless to the environment and a huge advantage when compared to plastics)
Silcones consists partly of silica sand and can be recycled totally.
Bag-A-Rub can be brought to your closest recycling center.
Product lifetime
With normal use the product can last years
1.180 x 80 x 40/10 mm
How it works
Grab any bottle of skin care lotion or crème
and put the lotion into the mid-section
of the Bag-A-Rub
Hold the Bag-A-Rub like you would to dry
your back with a towel.
Move the tool with the lotion over your
back, thus evenly applying the lotion
When done, clean with lukewarm water under the shower and hang up to dry
OR put your Bag-A-Rub in the dishwasher and thoroughtly dry it for the next time you want to use it
* Clean and dry your Bag-a-Rub after every use. The Bag-a-Rub can be rinsed in your dishwasher.
* Only use body lotions and body oil, or cream that are fit for purpose.
The manufacturer is not responsible for what happens if you use the product differently than the way it was intended to be used.
No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by the manufacturer and/or seller as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of this product. Furthermore, manufacterer and/or seller accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of this product.